23. ledna 2023 v 07:20
Cooling Tower Fan Deck Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter in India
"Our cooling tower’s fan deck functions as a diaphragm to convey both dead and live loads to the tower frame. In addition, the Fan Deck features a platform that is used for the support of the fan cylinders. Additionally, it contributes to the efficiency of the water distribution system. S.G Cooling Tower Fan Decks are the finest option if you are looking for a Cooling Tower Fan Deck Supplier in india. Great deals await those looking for Cooling Tower Fan Deck manufacturers in Maharashtra. we are also Cooling Tower Fan Deck Supplier in India, Cooling Tower Fan Deck Supplier in Mumbai, Cooling Tower Fan Deck exporter in India, Cooling Tower Fan Deck exporter in Mumbai,Maharashtra.
Contact us:- Saraswati Chawl No. 1 Rd, Shop 06, M.P. Nagar Andheri (East), Mumbai, - 400072
+91-9867683345 | +91-8691095512
https://sgcoolingtower.com/portfolio/cooling-tower -fan-deck-supplier/